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RadCon - Dipl.-Phys. Franz Wagner

Curriculum vitae

Diploma in Physics (University ofMunich) 1975-1980

Scientist at Physik DepartmentE15, Technische Universität München (TUM). Applications of nuclear resonance (Mossbauer effect) in solid statephysics and pharmacy.


Scientist at the research reactorsFRM I and FRM II, TUM, at Garching/Munich.

General topics:Physical and biological dosimetry, applications of a fast neutron beam in cancer therapy, and technicalapplications of fast neutrons.

Member of the “European ConcertedAction on Boron Neutron Capture Therapy”

Cooperation withthe Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy (ИАТЭ), sponsored by Volkswagenwerk

Supervisor of a number of mastertheses

Speaker at manyinternational conferences. Guest talks at institutes in Moscow, Dubna, Tomsk, Kyiv, Sao Paulo, Santiago de Chile

Author or co-author of about 80publications. 1985-1989

Several trips for implementingMössbauer equipment in China, Albania, Egypt, and Russia. 1989-2006

Additionally, radiation protectionofficer at FRM I and FRM II 1994-2005

Member of the controlling stafffor the commissioning of the new high flux research reactor FRM II; especially concerning the fast neutron beamand radiation protection. Involved in PR work.

March 2004

Firstcriticality of FRM II. Responsible for the new fast neutron beam at beam tube SR10. Mixed-field spectrometry,applications of fast reactor neutrons in biology and materials testing.

2007 – 2017

Appointedmedical physics expert for fast neutron medical therapy at FRM II. In parallel scientific work, e.g., delayedand prompt neutron activation analysis using thermal and cold

neutrons, fastneutron radiography, radiation biology, research on Boron Neutron Capture Therapy, and cooperation withindustrial users.


Retirement since2019

Member of Company r.e.m. (Radiation– Environment – Management) since 2020

Co-Editor of the peer reviewedjournal “Nuclear Engineering Progress,