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RadCon - Dr. Natalia Semioshkina

Curriculum Vitae of

Natalia Semioshkina

Academic degrees:

1966 Diploma in Physics at MoscowInstitute of Steel and Alloys

2002 DoctoralThesis on “The radiological situation at the former soviet atomic bomb test site” at the Allrussian ScientificInstitute of Agroradiology and Agroecology, Obninsk, Russia.


Languages: Russian, German, English, French


12/1971-3/1979 Scientist at Kurchatov Instituteof Atomic Energ,y Moscow

1982 –1990 Scientist at the Institutes of Crystallography at Technische Universität München, Universität München,Universität Erlangen, Technische Fachhochschule Berlin; scientific work for Atominstitut der ÖsterreichischenUniversitäten. General Subject: Dynamical diffraction.

6/1991-5/1996 Co-worker ofProf. A.M. Kellerer, Institute of Radiation Biology at former GSF, Neuherberg (now Helmholtz-Zentrum München,HMGU Participation in the co-operation with GIS, mainly concerning the consequences of the Nuclear accidents atChernobyl and in the Southern Urals. Participation in measurement campaigns in contaminated areas of Russia,Kazakhstan

6/1996-10/2012 Scientistat Institute of Radiation Protection/Department of Radiation Physics of HZM, working group of Risk Analysis.


Participation in the followingprojects of the European Community as scientist and (if mentioned) as Coordinator or Project Officer:

RESTORE , Copernicus Projects ,SAVE: Scientist

Evaluation andnetwork of EC-decision support systems in the field of terrestrial radioecological research (EVANET-TERRA):Coordinator.

SOUL (Southern Urals RadiationRisk Research): Project officer EDSS for Chile (Project of Volkswagen Foundation): Scientist


“Assessment of potential exposuresof nuclear waste deposits up to 1,000,000 years” (German Governmental project): Scientist

“Impact of climatic changes on thebiosphere” (German Governmental project): Scientist Current Project as partner in the EC-Network:

“Combiningepidemiology and radiobiology to assess cancer risks in the breast, lung, thyroid anddigestive tract after exposures to ionizing radiation with cumulated doses in the order of 100 mSv or below”(EpiRadBio): Project officer



Selected scientific publicationsand conference presentations


  1. G. V. Smirnov, N. A.Semiochkina, V. V. Sklyarevskii, S. Kadeckova, B. Shestak. Observation of the Suppression of a NuclearReaction in a Direct Gamma Quantum Beam. JETP, 71 (1976) 2214 – 2229

  2. G. V. Smirnov, N. A.Semiochkina, V. V. Sklyarevskii, S. Kadeckova, B. Shestak. The energy spectrum of gammaßquntaanomalously trasfering aresonantly absorbing Fe- 57 single Crystal. JETP 72

  3. U. van Bürck, G.V.Smirnov, R.L.Mössbauer, F. Parak, N. Semioshkina (1978) Suppression of nuclear inelastic channels innuclear resonance and electronic scattering of gamma quanta for different hyperfine transitions inperfect Fe-57 single crystal. J. phys. C, 11, 2305 – 2321

  4. U. van Bürck, G.V.Smirnov, R.L.Mössbauer, H.J.Maurus, N. Semioshkina (1980) Enhanced nuclear resonance scattering indynamical diffraction of gamma rays. J.Phys. C, 13, 4511 – 4529

  5. Schmidbauer, E., E.Mosheim, and N. Semioschkina (1986), Magnetization and Fe-57 Mossbauer Study of Obsidians, Physicsand Chemistry of Minerals, 13(4), 256-261

  6. E. Born, H.Schwarzbauer, N.A.Semioshkina, E. Willibald, G.Zorn. (1986)Zeitschrift für Metallkunde, 77, 49 – 53

  7. H. Jagodzinski, N.Semiochkina, H. Boysen, F. Frey (1987) The Four-Beam Case: Neutron Measurements on Alpha-Quarz. ActaCrystallographica, A43 C219

  8. W. Treimer, H.Strothmann, N.Semioshkina, H.Schreib (1989) development of a new facility for neutron small anglescattering. Physica B, 156&157, 598 – 601

  9. G. Voigt, N.Semiochkina, (1998) Initial evaluation of the radiological situation at the Semipalatinsk test site inthe republic of Kazakhstan. GSF-Bericht 10/98

  10. M. van der Perk, J. P. Absalom, P. A.Burrough, N. M. J. Crout, A. Gillit, B. J. Howard,

    H.Mehli, N. Semiochkina, P. Strand, G. Voigt, S. Wright (1998) GIS embedded models as tools to assessradionuclide transfer from soil via food products to humans in

    areascontaminated by the Chernobyl accident. Presented at the First International Health GeographicsConference October 16-18, 1998 Baltimore, Maryland;

  11. Beresford N.A.,Voigt, G., Howard, B.J., Ratnikov, A., Travnikova, I., Gillett, A.G., Mehli, H., Semiochkina, N.,Barnett, C.L. & Skuterud, L. Reducing the consumption of 137Cs via forestfungi – provision of ‘self-help’ advice. In: Proceedings of the Nato Workshop: Contaminated Forests:Recent Developments in Risk Identification and Future Perspectives. Kiev, Ukraine, 24-28 June1998, NATO Science Series, Kluwer Academic Press, Environmental Security Vol 58; 359 – 368 (1999)

  12. M. van der Perk, T.Lev, J. P. Absalom, P. A. Burrough, N. M. J. Crout, E. K. Garger, A. Gillit, N. Semiochkina, G. Voigt.(2000) Spatial modelling of transfer of long-lived radionuclides from soil to food products in theChernigov region, Ukraine. J Environ Modelling 128, 35-50

  13. G. Voigt, N.Semiochkina (eds.) (2000) Restoration Strategies for radioactive contaminated ecosystems. GSF-Bericht7/2000

  14. G. Voigt, J.Absalom, N. A. Beresford, P. Burrough, N. M. J. Crout, A. Gillit, B. J. Howard, H. Mehli, G. Rauret, U.Sansone, N. Semiochkina, P. Strand, M. Van der Perk,

    M. Vidal, S. Wright(2000) Environmental decision support system for restoration strategies of contaminated ecosystems. In:Proceedings of the workshop on restoration of contaminated territories resulting from the Chernobylaccident Brussels, 29-30 June 1998 (L. Cecille Ed.) EUR report 18193 EN, 126-132 (2001)

  15. G. Voigt, N.Semiochkina, G. Rosner, B. Karabalin, M. Mukuschewa, S. Wright, A. Sanchez, B.J. Howard, ITE, P. Strand.The present radiological situation at the nuclear weapons tests site at Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan withregard to Pu contamination. In: ‘Plutonium in the Environment’ Radioactivity in the Environment (A. KudoEd.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, Vol. 1, 363-374 (2001)

  16. N. A. Beresford, G.Voigt, S. M. Wright, B.J. Howard, , C.L. Barnett, B. Prister, M. Balonov, A. Ratnikov, I. Travnikova,A.G. Gillett, H. Mehli, L. Skuterud, S. Lepicard, N. Semiochkina, L. Perepeliantinikovqa, N. Goncharova,A.N. Archipov. (2001) Self-help countermeasure strategies for populations living within contaminatedareas of Belarus, Russia and the Ukraine, J. Environ Radioactivity 56, 215-239

  17. G.Voigt & N. Semiochkina (2001) The present radioecological situation of the Semipalatinsk Test Siteand ingestion dose estimations for selected people living on the site. Proceedings of the WHO workshopon Dosimetry of the populations living in the proximity of the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Weapons Test Site,Helsinki 13 – 15 May 2001

  18. G. Voigt, P.Schuller, N. Semiochkina (2001) The application of the RESTORE-EDSS to Chile. Proceedings of theECORAD2001 conference, Aix-en-Provence 2 – 7 September 2001

  19. Савинков А.Ф.,Мамадалиев С.М., Фогт Г., Семиошкина Н.А., Сандыбаев Н.Т. и др. Изучение накопления 137Cs в арзличных органах животных при аэрогенном поступлении./ Биотехнология.Теория и практика – 2000 – №3-4 – -с. 26-27.

  20. Савинков А.Ф.,Мамадалиев С.М., Фогт Г., Семиошкина Н.А., Сандыбаев Н.Т. и др. Определение влияния различных видовудобрений на переход 137Cs из почв в урожай ячменя./Биотехнология. Теория ипрактика – 2000 – №3-4 – -с. 27.

  21. Савинков А.Ф.,Троицкий Е.Н., Фогт Г., Семиошкина Н.А., Сандыбаев Н.Т. и др . Поступление 137Csв растения люцерны из различных почв Казахстана./ Биотехнология. Теория и практика – 2000 – №3-4 – -с.25-26.

  22. Фогт Г., СемиошкинаН.А. и др. Современная радиологическая обстановка на Семипалатинском испытательном полигоне /Вестник НЯЦРК – 2000 – вып.3 – с. 164-170

  23. M. van der Perk, T.Lev, J. P. Absalom, P. A. Burrough, N. M. J. Crout, E. K. Garger, A. Gillit, N. Semiochkina, G. Voigt(2000)Spatial modelling of transfer of long-lived radionuclides from soil to food products in theChernigov region, Ukraine. J Environ Modelling 128, 35-50

  24. Voigt G., N.Semiochkina, G. Rosner, B. Karabalin, M. Mukuschewa, S. Wright, A. Sanchez, B.J. Howard, ITE, P. Strand.(2001) The present radiological situation at the nuclear weapons tests site at Semipalatinsk inKazakhstan with regard to Pu contamination. In: ‘Plutonium in the Environment’ Radioactivity in theEnvironment (A. Kudo Ed.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, Vol. 1, 363-374

  25. Göksu, H. Y.,Semioschkina N., Shishkina, E., Wieser, A., El-Faramawy, N.A., Dregteva, M.O., Jacob, P., Ivanov, D.V.(2002) Thin layer -Al2O3:C betadosimeters for the assessment of current dose rate in teeth due to 90Sr intake,and comparison with

    electron paramagnetic resonance dosimenty. Radiation Protection Dosimentry, vol.101, Nos. 1 – 4. pp. 507– 513

  26. Semioshkina, N., G.Voigt and D. Tarsitano (2003). Evaluation and network of EC – Decision Support Systems in the field ofterrestrial radioecological research – EVANET. In: Proceedings of the 5th Eurosafe Forum, Paris, pp.39-51.

  27. Semiochkina, N.,Voigt, G., Mukusheva, M., Bruk, G., Travnikova, I., Strand, P. (2004) Assessment of the current internaldose due to 137Cs and 90Sr for people living within theSemipalatinsk Test Site, Kazakhstan. Health Physics 86 (2): 187-191.

  28. Howard B. J.,Semioshkina, N., Voigt, G., Mukusheva, M., Clifford, J. (2004) Radiostrontium contamination of soil andvegetation within the Semipalatinsk test site. Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 43: 285-292.

  29. Tarsitano D.,Semioskina N. and Voigt G., Critical evaluation of the available models. (EVANET-TERRA report. GSF:Germany, 2004)

  30. D. Tarsitano, N.Semioschkina and G. Voigt. EVANET-TERRA – evaluation and network of EC – decision support systems in thefield of terrestrial radioecological research. ECORAD 2004: The Scientific Basis for EnvironmentProtection Against Radioactivity, Aix-en-Provence, France.

  31. D. Tarsitano, N.Semioschkina and G. Voigt (2005) EVANET-TERRA – evaluation and network of EC – decision support systemsin the field of terrestrial radioecological research. Radioprotection, Vol. 40, Suppl. 1, S261 – S268

  32. E.A.Shishkina,H.Y.Göksu, N.A.El-Faramawy, N.Semioshkina (2005) Assessment of 90Srconcentration in dental tissue using thing-layer beta-particle detectors and verification with numericalcalculation. Rad. Research, 163, 462 – 467

  33. Spiridonov SI, Gontarenko IA, Mukusheva MK, Fesenko SV, Semioshkina NA. Prediction of 137Cs accumulation in animal products in the territory ofSemipalatinsk test site. Radiats Biol Radioecol. 2005Jul-Aug;45(4):480-7.

  34. Semioshkina, N.,Voigt, G., Fesenko, S., Savinkov, A., Mukusheva, M. (2006) A pilot study on the transfer of 137Cs and 90Sr to horse milk and meat. J. of Environ.Radioactivity, 85, 84-93

  35. N. Semioshkina, G.Voigt (2006) An Overview on GSF activities at the Semipalatinsk Test Site, Kazakhstan. J. Radiat.Res.,47, Suppl., A95 – A100.

  36. Savinkov, A., Semioshkina, N., Howard, B.J., Voigt, G. (2007) Radiostrontium uptake by plants fromdifferent soil types in Kazakhstan. Science of total Environment, 373, 324 – 333

  37. Semioshkina, N.,Proehl, G., Savinkov, A., Voigt, G, The transfer of 137Cs and 90Sr from feed to rabbits, J. of Environ. Radioactivity, 98 (2007), 84-93

  38. N. Semioshkina, V.Potapov, V. Lukyanov and O. Ivanov. Measurements of 90Sr Content in Teeth ofTecha River Resedents. Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2008, NSS’08, IEEE, 19-25. Oct.2008

  39. V.Shershakov, S.Fesenko, I Kryshev and N. Semioshkina. Decision-Aiding Tools for Remediation Strategies. In: M.S.Baxter,editor: Radioactivity in the Environment, Vol. 14, Ramediation of Contaminated Envorinments, G. Voigtand S. Fesenko. The Netherlands: Elsevier, 2009, pp 121-175. ISBN: 978-0-08-044862-6.

  40. N. Semioshkina, I.Fiedler, B. Schillinger, A. Ulanovsky, V. Potapov, O. Ivanov, F.M. Wagner, U. Gerstmann. Comparison ofthree non-destructive methods to measure 90Sr in human tooth samples, Radiation Measurements 46 (2011)1897-1899

  41. Ch. Staudt, N.Semiochkina und J. Ch. Kaiser, Fachliche Unterstützung des BfS bei der Erstellung vonReferenzbiosphärenmodellen für den radiologischen Langzeitsicherheitsnachweis von Endlagern –Modellierung des Radionuklidtransports in Biosphärenobjekten, Bericht, BfS-RESFOR-78/13

  42. C. Staudt, N.Semiochkina, J.C. Kaiser, G. Proehl. Modeling the impact of climate change in Central Europe withbiosphere models for long-term safety assessment of nuclear waste repositories, Journal of EnvironmentalRadioactivity, Volume 115, January 2013, Pages 214-223

  43. Bassam Shuhaibar, Jaroslav Jakes, Natalia Semioshkina, Gabriele Voigt. (2014) The Concept Of Dessak: Development Of Environmental DecisionSupport For Radioecologically Sensitive Areas In Kuwait. Pesentation on ICRER, Barcelona, Spain,7-12 September 2014