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RadCon - Dr. Mauritius Hiller

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

  1. Hiller M, Hertel N, Veinot K, Influence of neutron cross-section resonances on organ/tissue equivalent and effective dose coefficients for the ICRP voxel phantoms. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 2024. doi:10.1007/s00411-023-01058-9
  2. Woda C, Hiller M, Ademola J, Bugrov N, Degteva M, Napier B Luminescence dosimetry for evaluation of external exposure in Metlino, upper Techa River valley, Southern Urals, Russia: analysis of new results. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 193, 110618, 2023. doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2022.110618
  3. Hiller M, Woda C, Degteva M, Bougrov N, Shishkina E, Pryakhin E, Ivanov O External Dose Reconstruction at the Shore of the Metlinsky Pond in the Former Village of Metlino (Techa River, Russia) Based on EnvironmentalSurveys, Luminescence Measurements and Ra- diation Transport Modelling. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 61, 87-109, 2022. doi:10.1007/s00411-021-00953-3
  4. Hertel N, Veinot K, Hiller M, Eckerman K, Neutron Dose Coefficients for the Lens of the Eye.Journal of Radiological Protection, 41, 628-653, 2021. doi:10.1088/1361-6498/abfff5
  5. Ulanovsky A, Hiller M, Woda C, Absorbed Doses in Bricks and TL-dosimeters Based onAl2O3:C due to Environmental Radiation Sources. Radiation Measurements, 140, 106458, 2021.doi:10.1016/j.radmeas.2020.106458
  6. Veinot K, Hertel N,Hiller M, Eckerman K, Neutron dose coefficients for local skin. Journal of Radiological Protection, 40(2), 554-582, 2020. doi:10.1088/1361-6498/ab805e
  7. Woda C, Hiller M,Ulanovski A, Bugrov N, Degteva M, Mokrov Y, Rovny S, Ivanov O, Ro- manov S, Tschiersch J,Luminescence Dosimetry for Evaluation of the External Exposure in Metlino, Upper Techa River Valley,due to the Shore of the Metlinsky Pond: A Feasibility Study. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 214-215, 106152, 2020. doi:10.1016/j.jenvrad.2019.106152
  8. Hiller M, Leggett R,A biokinetic model for trivalent or hexavalent chromium in adult humans.Journal of Radiological Protection, 40: 19-39, 2020. doi:10.1088/1361-6498/ab4286
  9. Nogueira P, Hiller M,Aust M-O, Monte Carlo Simulation of the Absorbed Fraction to Fish Eye Lens. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 199–200: 7–15, 2019. doi:10.1016/j.jenvrad.2018.12.021
  10. Dewji S, Bales K,Griffin K, Lee C, Hiller M Age-Dependent Comparison of Monoenergetic Photon Organ and Effective DoseCoefficients for Pediatric Stylized and Voxel Phantoms Sub- merged in Air. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 63 (17): 175019, 2018. doi:10.1088/1361- 6560/aad64e
  11. Veinot K, Dewji S,Hiller M, Eckerman K, Easterly C, Organ and Effective Dose Rate Co- efficients for SubmersionExposure in Occupational Settings. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 56 (4): 453-462, 2017. doi:10.1007/s00411-017-0705-6
  12. Dewji S, Reed L,Hiller M, Comparison of Photon Organ and Effective Dose Coefficients for Pimal Stylized Phantom inBent Positions in Standard Irradiation Geometries. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 56 (3): 277-291, 2017. doi:10.1007/s00411-017-0698-1
  13. Veinot K, Bellamy M,Eckerman K, Hiller M, Dewji S, Easterly C, Hertel N, Leggett R, Manger R, Effective Dose RateCoefficients for Exposure to Contaminated Soil. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 56 (3): 255-267, 2017. doi:10.1007/s00411-017-0692-7
  14. Hiller M, Woda C,Bugrov N, Degteva M, Ivanov O, Ulanovsky A, Romanov S, External Dose Reconstruction for the FormerVillage of Metlino (Techa River, Russia) Based on Environmental Surveys, Luminescence Measurementsand Radiation Transport Modelling. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 56 (2): 139-159, 2017. doi:10.1007/s00411-017-0688-3
  15. Hiller M, Dewji S,Comparison of Monoenergetic Photon Organ Dose Rate Coefficients for the Female Stylized and VoxelPhantoms Submerged in Air. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 175 (3): 336-343, 2017. doi:10.1093/rpd/ncw354
  16. Veinot K, EckermanK, Hertel N, Hiller M, Organ and Effective Dose Coefficients for Cranial and Caudal IrradiationGeometries: Neutrons. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 175 (1): 26-30, 2017. doi:10.1093/rpd/ncw262
  17. Hiller M, Veinot K,Easterly C, Hertel N, Eckerman K, Bellamy B, Reducing Statistical Uncer- tainties in Simulated OrganDoses of Phantoms Immersed in Water. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 174 (4): 439-448, 2017. doi:10.1093/rpd/ncw240
  18. Ören Ü, Hiller M,Andersson M, IDACstar: A MCNP Application to Perform Realistic Dose Estimations from Internal orExternal Contamination of Radiopharmaceuticals. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 174 (3): 406-411, 2017. doi:10.1093/rpd/ncw221
  19. Bellamy M, Veinot K,Hiller M, Dewji S, Eckerman K, Easterly C, Hertel N, Leggett R, Manger R, Effective Dose RateCoefficients for Immersions in Radioactive Air and Water. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 174 (2): 275-286, 2017. doi:10.1093/rpd/ncw103
  20. Bellamy M, Hiller M,Dewji S, Veinot K, Leggett R, Easterly C, Eckerman K, Hertel N, Com- parison of Monoenergetic PhotonOrgan Dose Rate Coefficients for Stylized and Voxel Phan- toms Submerged in Air. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 172 (4): 367-374, 2016. doi:10.1093/rpd/ncv548
  21. Discher M, Hiller M,Woda C, MCNP Simulations of a Glass Display Used in a Mobile Phone as an Accident Dosimeter. Radiation Measurements 75: 21-28, 2015. doi:10.1016/j.radmeas.2015.02.013


  1. Consultant to the ICRUReport Committee for ICRU Report 95 – Operational Quantities for External Radiation Exposure.Journal of the ICRU 20(1), 2020.
  2. Martinez N, Easterly C,Eckerman K, Hiller M, Jokisch D, Samuels C, Ward R, Leggett RQuality Assurance Plan forFederal Guidance Report 16. ORNL/TM, 2020.
  3. Bellamy M, Dewji S,Leggett R, Hiller M, Veinot K, Manger R, Eckerman K, Ryman J, Easterly C, Hertel N, Stewart D,Federal Guidance Report No. 15: External Exposure to Radionuclides in Air, Water, and Soil. EPA-402/R19/002, United States Environment Protection Agency, 2019.
  4. Dewji S, Hiller M,Bellamy M, Akkurt H, Wiarda D, Kora G, Eckerman K, Griffin K, PIMAL: Phantom with Moving Arms andLegs, Version 4.1.0. U.S. NRC, NUREG/CR-7243, 2017.
  5. Bellamy M, Akkurt H,Wiarda D, Dewji S, Hiller M, Kora G, Eckerman K, Griffin K, Saba M, Sherbini S, PIMAL: Phantoms wIthMoving Arms and Legs, Version 4.0, Manual. U.S. NRC, NUREG, 2016.
  6. Bellamy M, Bolch W,Dewji S, Eckerman K, Easterly C, Godwin W, Hertel N, Hiller M, Jokish D, Leggett R, Schwahn S, SchwarzB, Scofield P, Veinot K, Ward R, Technical Basis for Derivation of Dose Coefficients for Use inRadiation Protection. ORNL/TM-2015/597, 2015.

Invited Talks

  1. Hiller M, DoseReconstruction at the Example of the Techa River Studies. Texas A&M Uni- versity, CollegeStation, TX, USA, April 2019.
  2. Hiller M, FutureChallenges in Computational Radiation Dosimetry – How Precise Do We Need to Get? 61st Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, Spokane, WA, USA, July 2016.
  3. Hiller M, DoseReconstruction in Radioactively Contaminated Techa River Region. Georgia Institute ofTechnology, Atlanta, GA, USA, February 2016.

Conference PresentationsPresenter in bold, * marks posterpresentation.

  1. Hiller M, Woda C Review of Effortsin the Validation of the Techa River Dosimetry System for the Location of Metlino. HealthPhysics Society, 68th Annual Meeting, National Harbor, MD, USA, July 2023.
  2. Semioshkina N, VoigtG, Fiedler I, Hiller M Radioecology under arid conditions. Health Physics Society, 68th Annual Meeting, National Harbor, MD, USA, July 2023.
  3. Andersson M, Hiller M, Ören Ü, Bernhardsson C, Mattsson S Estimation of externalex- posure from a 137Cs-deposition on the ground: Influence of type of humanlikereference phantoms used and depth penetration of 137Cs in soil. Nordic Society for Radiation Protec- tion, Malmö, Sweden, June 2023.
  4. Hiller M, Leggett R,A Novel Biokinetic Model for Chromium and its Intend for Health Physics Applications. HealthPhysics Society, 67th Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA, USA, July 2022.
  5. Hiller M, Woda C,Dose reconstruction in the village of Metlino, Techa River region, South- ern Urals, Russia.Health Physics Society, 67th Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA, USA, July 2022.
  6. Veinot K, Hertel N,Hiller M, Eckerman K, Charged Particle Contributions to Local Skin Dose from Neutron Irradiations.Health Physics Society, 67th Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA, USA, July 2022.
  7. Hertel N, Hiller M,Veinot K, Neutron Dose Coefficients and Resonances: Do They Really Matter? 2022 IRPA NorthAmerican Regional Congress, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, February 2022.
  8. * Dalak S, MendleskiR, Hiller M, Golden A, Dewji S, Kalinowski A, TLD Sensitivity Analysis for Improvement of DoseReconstructions for the Department of Energy Radiation Exposure Monitoring System. HealthPhysics Society, 66th Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA, July 2021.
  9. Hiller M, HendricksJ, Guidance for the MCNP DXTRAN Feature. Radiation Protection and Shielding Division of theAmerican Nuclear Society, 20th Topical Meeting, Santa Fe, NM, USA, August 2018.
  10. * Dewji S, Bales K,Griffin K, Lee C, Hiller M, Comparison of Monoenergetic Photon Organ Dose Rate Coefficients for Maleand Female Pediatric Stylized and Voxel Phantoms Sub- merged in Air. Health Physics Society,63rd Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH, USA, July 2018.
  11. Dewji S, Sanchez E,Reed L, Bales K, Green M, Hiller M, Oxenberg T, PIMAL: A GUI- Driven Software Package to ConductRadiation Dose Estimation Using Realistic Postures. 6th InternationalWorkshop on Computational Human Phantoms, Annapolis, MD, USA, August 2017.
  12. Hiller M, Woda C,Bougrov N, Degteva M, Ulanovsky A, Ivanov O, On the External Dose Reconstruction in the FormerVillage of Metlino, Techa River Region, Southern Urals, Russia. Health Physics Society, 62nd Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC, USA, July 2017.
  13. Dewji S, Reed L,Hiller M, Computation of Photon Effective Dose Coefficients for PIMAL Stylized Phantoms in Uprightand Bent Positions in Standard Irradiation Geometries. Health Physics Society, 62nd Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC, USA, July 2017.
  14. Veinot, Dewji S,Hiller M, Eckerman K, Easterly C, Enhanced Monte Carlo Simulation of the Voxel Phantom LatticeSubmersed in a Contaminated Air Environment. 2017 ANS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA,June 2017.
  15. Dewji S, Hiller M,Hertel N, Comparison of Neutron Organ Doses for PIMAL Stylized Phan- tom in Upright and BentPositions for Standard Irradiation Geometries. Neutron and Ion Dosimetry Symposium, Neudos-13,Kraków, Poland, May 2017.
  16. Veinot K, Dewji S,Hiller M, Eckerman K, Easterly C, Hertel N, Room Submersion Cal- culations of Noble Gas Dose RateCoefficients. Health Physics Society Midyear Meeting, Bathesda, MD, USA, January 2017.
  17. Dewji S, Hiller M,Hertel N, Eckerman K, Radiological Toolbox 3.0.0. Health Physics Society Midyear Meeting,Bathesda, MD, USA, January 2017.
  18. Reed L, Dewji S,Hiller M, Comparison of Organ Doses for PIMAL Stylized Phantoms in Up- right and Bent Positions forVarious Irradiation Geometries. Health Physics Society Midyear Meeting, Bathesda, MD, USA,January 2017.
  19. * Rathbun M, Hiller M,MCNP Calculation Speed Benchmark for Computational Phantoms.ANS Winter Meeting, Student Poster Session,Las Vegas, NV, USA, November 2016.
  20. Hiller M, Veinot K,Eckerman K, Hertel N, Miller T, Organ and Effective Dose Coefficients for Cranial and CaudalIrradiation Geometries: Neutrons. 13th International Conference onRadiation Shielding (ICRS-13) and 19th Topical Meeting of the RadiationProtection and Shielding Division of the American Nuclear Society, Paris, France, October 2016.
  21. Hiller M, Hertel N,Miller T, Reduced Variance using ADVANTG in Monte Carlo Calculations of Dose Coefficients toStylized- and Voxel Phantoms. 13th International Conference on RadiationShielding (ICRS-13) and 19th Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection andShielding Division of the American Nuclear Society, Paris, France, October 2016.
  22. * Hiller M, Veinot K,Eckerman K, Hertel N, Cranial and Caudal Dose Coefficients for Photons and Neutrons Up to 10 GeV.Radiation Protection Week, Oxford, UK, September 2016.
  23. * Dewji S, Reed L,Hiller M, Comparison of Organ Doses for PIMAL Stylized Phantoms in Upright and Bent Positions forStandard Irradiation Geometries. Radiation Protection Week, Oxford, UK, September 2016.
  24. * Andersson M,Schwarz R, Hiller M, 3D-Grapical Representation of Source Geometries in Lattice Structures using theMonte Carlo Code MCNP. Radiation Protection Week, Oxford, UK, September 2016.
  25. * Andersson M, HillerM, IDAC Star – A Standalone Program to Easy Create Monte Carlo Voxel Simulated Customized DoseEstimations. Annual Conference of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, SanDiego, CA, USA, June 2016.
  26. Hiller M, Bellamy B,Veinot K, Easterly C, Hertel N, Eckerman K, Application of the Reci- procity Theory to CalculateOrgan Doses in Phantoms Immersed in Water. 47th Annual Meeting onNuclear Technology, Hamburg, Germany, May 2016.
  27. * Bellamy M, VeinotK, Hiller M, Dewji S, Eckerman K, Easterly C, Hertel N, Leggett R, Comparison of Federal GuidanceReports 12 and 15: External Exposure to Radionuclides in Soil, Air, and Water. 14th Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, Cape Town,South Africa, May 2016.
  28. * Dewji S, Hiller M,Hertel N, Sherbini S, Saba M, PIMAL: A GUI-Driven Software Package to Conduct Radiation DoseAssessments Using Realistic Phantom Postures. 14th Congress of theInternational Radiation Protection Association, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2016.
  29. * Veinot K, Dewji S,Bellamy M, Eckerman K, Hertel N, Hiller M, Room Submersion Calcu- lations of Noble Gas Dose RateCoefficients. 14th Congress of the International Radiation ProtectionAssociation, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2016.
  30. Hiller M, Phantomwith Movable Arms and Legs and the MCNP Models Used at the Center for Radiation Protection. MCNPUser Group Meeting at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA, April 2016.
  31. Hiller M,Radiation Protection Software Developed at ORNL’s CPRK. James E. Turner Back- to-School LectureSeries in Nuclear Science and Health Physics, Knoxville, TN, USA, February 2016.
  32. Hiller M, Bellamy B,Dewji S, Kora G, Hertel N, Eckerman K, Sherbini S, Saba M, Enhance- ments to the Phantom wIth MovingArms and Legs Software (PIMAL 4.0). Health Physics Society Midyear Meeting, Austin, TX, USA,February 2016.
  33. Bellamy B, Hiller M,Dewji S, Veinot K, Leggett R, Eckerman K, Easterly C, Hertel N, Compar- ison of Monoenergetic PhotonOrgan Dose Rate Coefficients for Stylized and Voxel Phantoms Submerged in Air. Health PhysicsSociety Midyear Meeting, Austin, TX, USA, February 2016.
  34. Hiller MReconstruction of Historic Doses in a Radioactively Contaminated Area. Meeting of the EastTennessee Chapter of the HPS, Oak Ridge, TN, June 2015.
  35. Schwarz R, Kum O,Licea A, Hiller M, Variance Reduction Applications using Visual MCNP. ANS MC2015 – JointInternational Conference on Mathematics and Computation (M&C), Supercomputing in NuclearApplications (SNA) and the Monte Carlo (MC) Method, Nashville, TN, USA, April 2015.
  36. Hiller M, Woda C,Bougrov N, Degteva M, Ivanov O, Romanov S, Dose Reconstruction in the Former Village of Metlino inthe Contaminated Techa River Region, Southern Urals, Russia. 18thTopical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division of the American Nuclear Society,Knoxville, TN, USA, September 2014.
  37. * Woda C, Hiller M,Bougrov N, Degteva M, Ivanov O, Romanov S, Luminescence Dosime- try in the Contaminated FormerSettlement of Metlino, Southern Urals, Russia. 14th In- ternationalConference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating, Montreal, Canada, July 2014.
  38. Woda C, Hiller M,Bougrov N, Fiedler I, Shiskina E, Degteva M, Romanov S, Ivanov O, Validation of TRDS-2009 and GaseousReleases Using Luminescence Methods. 7th SOLO Project meeting, Munich,Germany, March 2014.
  39. * Hiller M, Woda C,Ulanovsky A, Paretzke H, Dose reconstruction in radioactively contam- inated areas using radiationtransport calculations. Advanced WE-Heraeus Physics School on Ionizing Radiation and Protectionof Man, Bad Honnef, Germany, August 2012.


  1. Hiller M, DoseReconstruction in Radioactively Contaminated Areas Based on Radiation Transport Calculations andMeasurements. Doctoral Thesis in Physics at Technischen Uni- versität München, 2015.
  2. Hiller M, Engineering of Membrane PoreFormers Using DNA Origami. Master Thesis in Engineering Physics at Technischen UniversitätMünchen, 2011.
  3. Hiller M, MicroscopicAnalysis of Microtubules and Spastin. Bachelor Thesis in Engineer- ing Physics at TechnischenUniversität München, 2009.