We are expert consultants in the fields of radiation protection, Monte Carlo modelling, radio ecology, retrospective dosimetry, computational dosimetry and data analysis and collection. We perform calculations and measurements for applications in nuclear engineering, physics, and mathematics. We develop software for computations and the assessment and presentation of data. Operating worldwide, we link businesses with research.

Radiation, Environment, Management

RadCon is a Radiation Protection consulting company. It was established in Germany by a small team of professionals with many years of experience in the field of radiation protection, environmental radioactivity, and computational dosimetry.

Drawing on experience built up in different geographical areas, climactic conditions, and ecosystems, RadCon has played a key role in national and international projects supported by the European Commission, The US Department of Energy, IAEA, and other funding bodies.

We are committed to ensuring that future radiation protection projects effectively utilize the knowledge we have built up from these projects, and the lessons that have been learned from them. As part of this we stress our commitment to providing access to reliable and scientifically tested information to help our customers find practical, workable solutions to their problems.

We are ready to share our broad range of knowledge to help and support any organization in need, be it governmental or private.

We cover a broad spectrum of radiation protection services, including:

  • Risk assessment
  • Radiation dosimetry: retrospective dosimetry, computational dosimetry, Monte Carlo simulations
  • Radioecology: Support and development of sampling strategies and measurements; Environmental modelling; Environmental Decision Support Systems (EDSS); Remediation and restoration; Statistical methods and data analysis
  • Project management
  • Communication and interaction with stakeholders and the public
  • German radiation protection ordinance
We operate independently of any state, public, or international organizations. Our expertise is therefore politically impartial and relies solely on experimental scientific data, which means there is no risk of any conflicts of interest.

RadCon News

RadCon’s Mauritius Hiller is presenting a poster on “Transfer of radionuclides from soil to Plants: Database for Radiological Impact Assessments in arid environment” at the ICRER conference in Marseilles, France. The poster will be displayed on Session 6 “Understanding and modelling radionuclide mobility and bioavailability in the environment” on Wednesday, November 27 and Thursday, November 28. The Poster number is P6-31.

It looks at the background of the database on transfer factors in the arid climate zone and gives an outlook on the future development, making the data accessible for researchers.

 We’re looking forward to seeing you there and discussing the contents with you.



RadCon GmbH’s Gabriele Voigt and Natalia Semioshkina will be presenting a poster at the forthcoming IUFRO – International Union of Forest Research Organizations conference in Stockholm. The event will bring together policymakers and experts committed to shaping a sustainable future for forests and society from all over the world.

Gabriele and Natalia will be available to discuss issues on long-term environmental processes in forest ecosystems and present results on “Transfer of natural radionuclides from soil to Abu Dhabi date palms” at the poster session on Thursday, June 27 between 13:30-14:15.

Gabriele will also be chairing a session looking at the long-term dynamics of the radioactive contamination of forests, and its impact on ecosystems and communities and potential countermeasures. That will take place on Tuesday, June 25, 08:30-10:30. She will also co-edit a special issue of JER on that topic.

You can find out more about the conference here: https://iufro2024.com/


RadCon’s Mauritius Hiller has published a new paper in the journal Radiation and Environmental Biophysics. Co-authored by Ken G. Veinot and Nolan E. Hertel, it looks at the ‘Infuence of neutron cross‐section resonances on organ/tissue equivalent and effective dose coefficients for the ICRP voxel phantoms’.
The materials which compose the ICRP Voxel phantoms used in the computation of conversion coefficients involve neutron interaction cross-sections that have resonances at specific energies. Depending on the energy bin structure used in the computations, these cross-section resonances may occur at energies that fall between energies at which dose coefficients are computed, thus their effects may not be completely accounted for in the reported coefficients. In the present study, a highly refined energy grid that closely follows the resonance structure in the phantom material cross-sections was identified and used to calculate dose coefficients.
It’s available to all via this link.

Computational Dosimetry

  • Having trouble using the new ICRP 145 Mesh-type Reference Computational Phantoms (MRCP)? We can help you.
  • Extensive Phantom work using ICRP Voxel and Stylized phantoms.
  • Comparison of phantom types.
  • Our consultants were involved in the computation of dose coefficients for US EPA‘s Federal Guidance Report FGR-15.
  • Employment of phantoms with articulated limbs to represent special scenarios and irradiation configurations.
  • Computations for non-human biota using the ICRP Reference Animals and Plants (RAP).

Retrospective Dosimetry

Our consultants have extensive field work experience, used together with Monte Carlo calculations for retrospective dosimetry:

  • Working for Techa River studies
  • Supporting the EU funded SOUL and SOLO projects, and
  • Supporting the US DOE funded JCCRER Project

Data Analysis and Collection

  • Development of custom software for data collection form measurements and calculation for analysis and plotting
  • We create some of the most informative and prettiest visualizations of your datasets.
  • Processing and computation of data.
  • Presentation of data using advanced plotting and scripting tools like Cern-Root, VisIt, ParaView or Matplotlib.

Monte Carlo Modelling

  • Monte Carlo Modelling using MCNP, SCALE and PHITS code packages
  • Advanced Experience in
    • Shielding and deep penetration problems
    • Air over ground transport problems
    • Inventory and burn-up calculations
    • Variance Reduction to increase performance of problems

Radio Ecology

Radioecology is the study of the effects of radiation and radioactive substances on ecological communities. It is a highly multidisciplinary scientific field which looks at environmental radioactivity, whether natural or man-made, and its effects on people and the natural environment. It deals with radioactivity as a stressor requiring risk assessment, but also as a tracer of biogeochemical and ecological processes.

» Continue reading to learn more about radioecology and our services


Lectures Training Courses

  • lntroduction to radioecology – understanding the behaviour of radionuclides in the environment
  • Radioecological modelling: mathematical description ofradioecological processes and application of available software
  • Emergency preparedness and remediation strategies
  • Environmental Decision Support Systems

» Learn more about our lectures and training courses



  • Development of sampling strategies
  • Establishment of radioecological analytical laboratories
  • Development of decision support systems tailored to local conditions
  • Project initiation
  • Advice on statistical methods and assistance with practical aspects of data analysis

» Learn more about our services in Management of Scientific Projects


Our Team

We’re passionate for radiation protection, let us know how we can work with you to solve your issues.

Dr. Mauritius Hiller
Managing Director & Consultant
Expertise: Monte Carlo Modelling, Variance Reduction, Retrospective Dosimetry, Computational Dosimetry

References and Publications

Dr. Natalia Semioshkina
Expertise: Radioecology, Modelling, Management

References and Publications

Dr. Gabriele Voigt
Expertise: Radioecology, Genetics

References and Publications

Dipl.-Phys. Franz Wagner
Expertise: Reactor Physics, Radiation Protection, Medical physics

References and Publications

Contact us

Address: Am Mittleren Moos 46 A, 86167 Augsburg, Germany

E-Mail: info@radcon.de

Phone: +49 821 74839–20